Mary, Mary why ya buggin'?

Random thoughts and musings from an oversexed housewife.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Coney Island

Poor Bear, the cone head. Bear is one of my three dogs. As if any dog who licks their balls, eats poop and gets humped in the side by our other male dog needs any more humiliation, he has to wear one of those cones. He had surgery today to remove a mass on his belly. They sent him home to me while he's still doped up on morphine and he's totally freaking me out.

Have you ever seen a person or animal totally hopped up on pain meds? They look through you not at you. It's kind of scary because with my dog I keep thinking he's going to suddenly go berserk on me. He keeps bumping into people and things. He's sore so he doesn't want to lay down. He just stands around, panting and bumping into stuff. It's sorta funny, but mostly sad.

Luckily the mass is benign, but when I found it I didn't know. I had that whole scenario of telling my kids the dog died and what that would be like. Boy, that can put a person in an emotional tailspin. Dropping him off this morning it was like he knew. He got into the car just fine, but when we arrived at the vet clinic, he didn't want to go in. When it was time for the helper to take him back to the kennels he pulled the old, "sorry lady, my hind legs don't work" deal. He looked at me as if to say, "please don't let them take me! I'll do anything! I'll even quit the balls licking thing, I know that really grosses you out! Pllleeaase!" I had big crocodile tears in my eyes as I drove away.

And now, as I sit here typing he's staring at me with those big, blank, drug hazed eyes. His cone is about the size of a small third world country, and he's panting, panting, panting. Not to complain or anything, well...who am I kidding, I'm a big complainer. BUT, I feel like I have enough responsibility and now this poor cone headed creature needs me and it's about all I can do not to go a little berzerk myself.


  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger Rosie said…

    Mary...I'm so sorry and I'm so sorry about poor Bear. This is one of those you have no choice but to survive type things. Something good will happen for you because you are so nice...just wait and see if it doesn't!

  • At 7:13 PM, Blogger Mouthy Girl said…

    Complain away, sister. Nothing wrong with a little bitch session/pity party once in a while. There are few occasions more appropriate than the cone-headed Bear incident. Take heart, he'll bounce back...when, I don't know. I'm not gonna fool ya into thinking this healing thing's going to be easy. Just know that I'm hear for ya. You can bend my ear with your complaints any day of the week!

  • At 1:16 PM, Blogger John Q. Public esq. said…

    wow, last time the dogs got sick I had to take the day off work,
    not for them but for the sweet and lvoing Mrs. JQP, she goes over the deep end when her "babies" are in pain...


  • At 9:01 AM, Blogger Trudy Booty Scooty said…

    Awwwwwwww That picture and your description of his dazed blankness brought back so many memories of our family dog. He had a tumor removed when he was 4 and had that same Elizabethian collar put on. He was stoned like that too. It was so sad...and so sort of funny. He hated it. Even after he wasn't drugged...he couldn't figure out where sounds were coming from etc. But they don't have to wear it forever..and it keeps them from attacking their stitches. My dog's tumor wasn't benign...but they got it all ...and he lived for 17 years. :) Give Pooh Bear a cuddle from me.

  • At 9:01 AM, Blogger Trudy Booty Scooty said…

    Awwwwwwww That picture and your description of his dazed blankness brought back so many memories of our family dog. He had a tumor removed when he was 4 and had that same Elizabethian collar put on. He was stoned like that too. It was so sad...and so sort of funny. He hated it. Even after he wasn't drugged...he couldn't figure out where sounds were coming from etc. But they don't have to wear it forever..and it keeps them from attacking their stitches. My dog's tumor wasn't benign...but they got it all ...and he lived for 17 years. :) Give Pooh Bear a cuddle from me.

  • At 1:32 PM, Blogger I n g e r said…

    Oh Mary, STAY OFF THE SWIVELING STOOLS!!! So glad you weren't more badly hurt!

    And I'm very sorry about the poochie. My cat's been in that condition, and I know it's ultra weird and unsettling, and sort of sad. Hope he's back to his old self soon.

  • At 4:31 AM, Blogger I n g e r said…

    How's the ache, Mary? Thinking about your hit-the deck self!

  • At 10:37 AM, Blogger John Q. Public esq. said…

    well how did the GI wifes thing turn out?


  • At 3:25 PM, Blogger WarriorM said…

    All my bumps and bruises are healed! Craig even put up the new blinds in the kitchen! Bear is healling quite nicely and got his drain taken out yesterday (EWW)! He only has 5 more days left with the cone, poor baby! Thanks for all of your well wishes!!! You guys are awesome!


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