Mary, Mary why ya buggin'?

Random thoughts and musings from an oversexed housewife.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Bitchy, Achy and Crampy, Oh My!

Well men friends, avert your eyes because I'm on the rag and I'm gonna complain about it! I have to say that since my guy got snipped I've been rather annoyed with having a period. I know that it's good for my health to have a normal functioning, hormone producing body and I am grateful all my stuff works. It's just that I know I won't be having any more kids and I still have to endure the bloating, cramping, mood swings and all the other stuff associated with reproducing. I've been doing this since I was what 12? I'm sick of it already!

To add insult to injury, literally, I fell yesterday and it wasn't pretty. A sure sign of getting older is instead of laughing at your clumsiness when you fall, you find yourself laying there taking stock of all your body parts to make sure you're okay.

I'll start from the beginning. As you know I'm preparing to have a bunch of people here next Monday. I've been cleaning house, purging all sorts of stuff and taking care of things that have been neglected for quite some time. One of those things is my kitchen blinds. They're gross and need a good cleaning. So I was standing on one of the barstools that usually line my kitchen counter. Not the smartest choice since they're swiveling stools. I was on the phone, getting off the stool to rinse my rag then back up again to reach the top slats. What can I say? I was trying to multi-task. As I tried to leap off the stool to rinse my rag again, my pant leg got caught on the back of the stool and I fell like a giant oak.

The silly thing is that my first reaction was to reach for the phone to make sure my good friend was still there. She said, "What the hell happened?!?" Calmly, I replied, "Could you hold on for a second?" And there I lay, mentally taking stock of my body parts. At this time my husband had run into the room and was asking if I was okay. I just laid there, mentally saying, "I can move my legs, my hands, there doesn't seem to be any blood. Man that hurt like a sonofabitch!"

I slowly got up and proceeded to tell my friend that I just took a dive off a stool in the kitchen but I was alright. My husband walked away, shaking his head. He then went to the blinds, measured them and added their measurements to the list of things we needed to buy at Home Depot. Apparently that was enough cleaning for him.

Last night I went to bed dreaming of Vicodin. I was wishing I had a bottle left over from when Craig had knee surgery or something. I woke up with an ache over the entire left side of my body. Apparently when the giant oak fell, the left side took the brunt of the linoleum.

So here I sit, crampy, achy and quite bitchy. Those are my husband's favorite three dwarves! Lucky for him he has to live with me and my whiney self until the pain goes away! (Actually he has to live with me even when this pain goes away, but let's face it people, when you're married the pain never REALLY goes away!)


  • At 7:25 PM, Blogger kjane said…

    Poor Mary. Not having a good week eh? First your sexercise injury, and now even your bar stools are turning on you (no pun intended). Take two extra strength Advil and go to bed. Maybe you won't feel like a million dollars in the morning, but at least you wont be in the deficit.

    To look on the bright side of women's troubles: at least we never need to get a prostate examination. Yecch.

    - spart

  • At 8:32 PM, Blogger ACG said…

    ever thought of the depo shots? just one shot a quater and you might be one of the many women it stops their periods.
    i keep thinking about it... but right now i'm actually glad i got my period cause it means i won't get in on my cruise :-)
    feel better!

  • At 7:28 AM, Blogger Rosie said…

    My sweet little Mary-Mary...I'm so sorry you have boo-boos. Tell the guy you live with to really smooth your bruised and abused feathers and heap lots of TLC on you. Can you feel me sending you my lovies? Cuz I am!!!

    As for the other...there is a reason it became known as "the curse". :/

  • At 8:34 AM, Blogger John Q. Public esq. said…

    funny you and Mrs. JQP are on the same cycle...

    I wonder who is the alpha female?

    anyway, all my best and tell him to rub your feet, that and sex always work for me, to keep my flower happy and cramp free...

    that and she steals my pills.


  • At 2:16 PM, Blogger Myssa said…

    Ugh I so feel you on this one. I started mine this morning, 2 weeks late...and it's a doozy. I've been begging since I was 18 to have atleast a partial hystorectomy, and the doctors keep telling me that "I'm too young to make that decision" and that I "might change my mind as to whether or not I want children in the future." My typical response is that there are plenty of children in foster care/orphanages all over the world, and that I'd prefer to be out of my misery than to continue on the slim chance that I would a) want to get pregnant and b) be able to...

    So, pardon me while I go throw up my midol and crave chocolate and pickles. Blah.

  • At 9:05 AM, Blogger Trudy Booty Scooty said… completely crack me up. You are an excellent writer...I felt like I was there...except I would have helped you up and iced you and tied the cord of the blinds around your hubby's neck! lol :)

    You poor thing. From one "faller" to another....I feel for ya.

  • At 9:27 PM, Blogger Pivoney said…

    How's Craig hanging in there? (Somebody's got to think of the other half)


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