Mary, Mary why ya buggin'?

Random thoughts and musings from an oversexed housewife.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

So I came upon a blog about doing 101 things in 1001 days. I think it's pretty exciting to make a list of things that you aim to do and give yourself a time limit in which to do them. I wouldn't want to put major life goals on my list, I'm pretty confident in that arena, but I'd put things like books I'd like to read, movies I'd like to see, places I'd like to travel, etc on my list. I can't get too lofty because sometimes I'm just trying to get through each day without putting myself or my kids in therapy.

Let's see here are some things I'd like to do in the next year:

1. Update my blog
2. Read five novels off of the Random House 100 best novels list
3. Get another tattoo
4. Lose 10 pounds
5. Go to a film festival
6. Learn a language (Italian or French)
7. Organize all of my photos
8. Try a new food/cuisine
9. Volunteer at a place other than my kids' school
10. Go on a trip with my sister(s)

Do you have any pressing items that would be on your "must do this year" list?


  • At 7:46 PM, Blogger Rosie said…

    That sister trip idea sounds like a winner!!


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